My Projects

  1. Tasks Master

   - Developed a portal for users to post and accept errands with chatting functionalities using AngularJS and Firebase.

   - Secured the portal with Firebase Auth and Firebase Security Rules.

   - Currently upgrading with NodeJS and MongoDB for backend for better scalability.

  2. Netflix Reverse Engineering

   - Modeled a recommendation system utilizing Lambda Architecture based on Netflix recommendation algorithm.

  3. Octorater

   - Octorater is an application built to perform text analysis on movie reviews    streamed from Rotten Tomatoes to predict the rating of a movie as good or bad.

   - The main objective behind this project was to learn the working of various text analysis methods and select the best out of them to build a predictive model based on the dataset    and business requirements.

   - We used Stanford's POS Tagger to tags the different words of the text and TF-IDF algorithm to calculate the positivity/negativity score of the words. Elasticsearch was used as a datastore.

  4. Mark Parser

   - Designed a regex based markdown to HTML parsing algorithm.

   - Packaged it into a node module and published it to NPM which has over 200 downloads as of now.

  5. Code Smell Hunter

   - Wrote ruby scripts to fetch Github data on three different projects using Github API.

   - Documented and analyzed the collected data to estimate the project timeline and costs.

   - Based on the analysis, identified failure points in the project development process.

  6. Twitter Sentiment Analyzer

   - Implemented and analyzed the stream of Love/Hate Tweets using ntwitter, ExpressJS and NodeJS.

   - Used Socket module of Node to communicate with tweet stream.

   - Used CanvasJS for plotting real time graphs.

   - Analysis showed that hate tweets(10-15%) increased during evening time and again decreased at night time.

  7. OSS Contribution to Sahana Eden

   - Investigated the performance of HeadJS, LabJS, and RequireJS to speed up the JavaScript loads within Sahana Eden.

   - Added Google Maps and Directions Service to the platform to enhance the disaster relief service.

  8. Direwolf Job Portal

   - Designed and developed a Job Portal using Ruby on Rails, HTML and CSS. Designed a job recommendation algorithm based on previous job search patterns of the user.

   - Implemented testing using RSpec.

  9. Voice of Customers (IBM The Great Mind Challenge)

   - Documented high and low level diagrams for an application that studies customer behavior and helps organizations serve them better.

   - Developed the solution in Java Web Technologies using IBM RAD, Websphere and DB2 using MVC pattern.